After freezing relations with the CSTO, Armenia made another demonstrative U-turn from Russia

After freezing relations with the CSTO, Armenia made another demonstrative U-turn from Russia

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Yerevan is increasing cooperation with NATO amid cooling relations with Moscow.

Armenia, which announced in February the freeze of relations with the CSTO, a military alliance led by the Russian Federation, took another demonstrative step, indicating the intentions of the Armenian side to diversify its policy in ensuring state security.

As reported by the Republic's Ministry of Defense, Yerevan has agreed with NATO on a military cooperation program for the current year. The parties also outlined prospects for cooperation next year.

During the visit of the Armenian delegation to the headquarters of the North Atlantic Alliance in Brussels, the parties discussed the results of the support that the bloc provides to military educational institutions and training centers in Armenia. The interlocutors discussed current military cooperation programs and the possibility of expanding them.

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